Not everything is as it seems

When you've put your foot in it

That photo may lead you to believe that I am a fully competent, got it all together, blissed out yoga, relaxation and meditation teacher.

Some days perhaps, BUT that's not my 24/7 reality.

It was a professional photo shoot, I was totally out of my comfort zone having my photo taken. I have rarely seen a photo of me that I like.

On that day in July 2022 I was emerging from a long period of illness that had seen me spend 18 months or so, unable to get out of bed.

I was totally lost - physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Post viral chronic fatigue had kept me from my friends, family and business.

I actually enjoyed the photo shoot, as the picture would suggest.

In that photo though, the laughter is not what it may seem.

As I put my head down I realised that it wasn't mud that I had just stood in!

Many thanks to the wonderful Carolyn at

I now have loads of great pictures that I love and can use in this new blog

We hung out at the local park in my campervan - literally

Be prepared to see even more crazy pictures that I love and can use in this new blog.

A blog where we can share conversations to keep our souls connected in the 21st century, building a community that uses yoga, meditation, reading, podcasts and more to travel the path home.

So, pictures are not always what they seem. The reality is that I am often a tired, wrung out mum of teenagers. Trying to run a home, keep a business going, a marriage connected and the finances in the black.

I'm looking forward to sharing what I've found helpful to me and finding out what works for you.

I'll share walks in nature, wild swims in waterfalls, cookie recipes, bible verses, essential oil blends for baths and whatever is going on that helps me right now in real life.

The biggest helps with my CFS battle have been;


Silence and solitude


Epsom Salt baths


Energization Exercises

So expect lots of tips and ideas of how you can use those to help you as you;

Rest from the world

Relax your body and mind

Revive your soul

Join me for a soul conversation, I would love to read your comments, observations or questions