Why pay to chat?
Yes, why should you have to pay to join the conversation?
Well, the good news is that you can read most of what I am going to share for free.
Yes, totally free to browse and peruse information on meditation, yoga, relaxation, essential oils, holistic living and whatever else is moving my soul towards home.
However, if you want to join the conversation and share ideas, ask questions or just generally chit chat about what I share, well then...
Talk is Cheap
so they say....
I am of the opinion that if we were to have an actual conversation, then we would sit down over a brew (brew or cuppa? - guess that depends on where you are from).
Ideally there would be tea or coffee AND cake

Maybe even homemade cookies - check out my Oat Cookie recipe, using essential oils. I mix it up and change the flavour weekly. Citrus oils are wonderful - lemon/orange/tangerine but my favourite at the moment is ginger and cinnamon.

So, for less than the price of that brew and cake, we can chitter chatter for a whole month at just £5 to view the chat, comment and join in.
I will be sharing;
- Yoga postures and how to do them, why to do them and how they can help you physically/mentally/emotionally.
- Paramhansa Yogananda quotes and teachings, including the wonderful Energization Exercises that I recently completed my teacher training for.
- Energization Exercises - a 15-minute sequence that is incredibly simple to do yet has had profound impact on my life as I learn to live with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
We will be;
- Meditating
- Reading philosophy
- Sharing podcast suggestions
- Inspiring each other
and so much more.....
It is likely I will include some blogs on essential oils and how my family use them.
We cook, bake, clean and bathe with them and it is hard not to share something I use so much - however, if it is oils that you mainly have an interest in, then you may prefer to browse the Facebook group we established years ago.
If you like what you see and want to get more involved, perhaps join a session in person or online, then Soul Support will give you that for less than £1 a day.
With Soul Support you can;
- Join in a live yoga class - in the hall or online
- Have access to recordings of classes
- Learn to meditate
- Sit with others to meditate - in person or online
- Get great discounts on in person retreats in the Lake District
- Join in a book study
- Find your community of souls walking home and get to walk with them
Join for the year and make the commitment to your soul journey, or take it month by month and see where it leads.
Why should you listen to me?
Very good question, I would say listen to your heart and soul. See where they are leading you.
I am walking along my own path, I would love for you to walk with me for part of it.
I have studied yoga and meditation since the 1980's and I have been teaching since the late 90's. It doesn't make me an expert, but it has given me some signposts along the way and maybe those paths are what you are looking for right now.