Why am I doing this?
Great question, why am I starting a blog?
It is an attempt to pull together 50+ years of my soul journey here on this earth.
If you're reading this then it's likely I sent you a link or you already know me.
For those that don't I am Linda Johnrose. I have been teaching yoga, relaxation and meditation since the mid nineties - over 25 years, yet I only feel like I am 25!
I was drawn to yoga and meditation as a 19 year old who struggled with depression and insomnia. My GP offered anti depressants and sleeping tablets on the same prescription and I did not trust myself to not take them all at once. Looking for a more natural option I joined a local yoga class in a hall with a group of women old enough to be my mum or even grandma.
That class set me on the path that I still wander. The same path that we all walk as humans - the spiritual path that leads our soul home.
I have struggled over the years with the concept and name GOD and I know that many who attend my classes/workshops/retreats have similar reservations.
I invite you to join me as I pull apart the words like God, religion, spirituality, soul and so many more. To get behind the language and help ourselves to find the stillness that we each have inside of us as we learn to connect with our true inner bliss.
There will be bible references, there will be yoga sutra references, there will be Bhagavad Gita references. I will attempt to explain their relevance to our everyday 21st century life here on earth, because as much as I believe that we are all spiritual beings, I also know that we live in a physical body on the physical earth and we need to interact with the other souls all around us.
I invite you to join the conversation, ask questions, share thoughts and ideas and make friends with other souls along this path.
I can guarantee tips and ideas that will help you get still and feel that peace within you as I share my techniques to;